We conduct our annual merit performance audit on a fiscal year basis (appointments made between April 1 and March 31). We divide the fiscal year audit into four sampling periods. This allows us to select and audit appointments closer to the time the competition was held, when the process is fresher in the hiring manager’s memory. We report out twice a year on two sampling periods at a time, which also helps us to report our findings closer to when the competition happened. Here is a breakdown of these periods: 


Sample  Appointments made  Reporting Out 
  April 1 – June 30  April of the next fiscal year 
on samples 1 and 2 
  July 1 – September 30 
  October 1 – December 31  October of the next fiscal year 
on samples 3 and 4 
  January 1 – March 31 

For example:

  • If an appointment made on September 14, 2021 is selected for audit, we will report out on it in April 2022 
  • If an appointment made on February 2, 2022 is selected for audit, we will report out on it in October 2022 

We draft each of the individual audit reports based on the auditor’s investigation. Before the Merit Commissioner issues the final reports, we review all the results as well as compare them to previous findings to ensure quality and consistency.