How can I get a copy of the audit results for the appointment where I was the responsible hiring manager? 

We cannot give you a copy of the audit results. By law, the Merit Commissioner provides the individual audit results to the respective deputy ministers. As part of our correspondence, we encourage them to share the respective results with the responsible hiring manager.     To learn about your organization’s approach to sharing audit results, we [...]

What information do you look at when auditing an appointment? 

We review the entire hiring process and the qualifications of the person appointed. Starting from the posting, all the way through to the final notification (offer and regret letters).   Specifically, we examine the overall approach as well as the five common stages of hiring which include:  Short-listing   Interviewing and testing   Past work performance   Years of [...]

What happens if I refuse to participate? 

The Public Service Act requires the Merit Commissioner to monitor the application of merit by conducting random audits of appointments to, and from within, the public service.     If you are responsible for one of the selected appointments, you are required to submit your competition file. If you have properly documented the hiring process that is all [...]

What happens if I can’t find all the documentation? 

As the hiring manager in a selection process, it is your responsibility is to ensure the process is comprehensively documented. Do your best to collect the documentation that you can find for the process. For missing documents, see if other panel members kept copies or check your email for draft versions. We will conduct the [...]

I wasn’t the hiring manager for this competition. How can I be expected to help out? 

We recognize that the original hiring manager may have changed jobs. If you were not the hiring manager but the appointment is now under your area of responsibility, we may contact you for information or to help us contact someone who was on the panel. We understand that you may not have answers to all [...]

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