I am from outside the BC Public Service and was not successful in a competition. May I request a deputy minister internal inquiry or Merit Commissioner staffing review?

No, there are three steps involved in a staffing review process. An internal inquiry by the deputy minister and a staffing review by the Merit Commissioner are steps 2 and 3 of the staffing review process. These steps are only open to unsuccessful applicants who are already employees of the BC Public Service. If you [...]

I am from outside the BC Public Service and was not successful in a competition. What are my first steps to understand the decision?

Any applicant may request feedback from the hiring manager and/or panel chair about the process or their performance in the process. We highly encourage all hiring managers and panel chairs to respond to any unsuccessful applicant who requests feedback. But the Public Service Act only requires hiring managers to provide feedback to BC Public Service [...]

I am from outside the BC Public Service and was not successful in a competition. May I request feedback from the hiring manager or panel chair?  

Yes. Any applicant may request feedback from the hiring manager and/or panel chair about the process or their performance in the process. We highly encourage all hiring managers and panel chairs to respond to any unsuccessful applicant who requests feedback. But, the Act only requires hiring mangers to provide feedback to BC Public Service employees as part of step 1 of the staffing [...]

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