The appointment pulled for audit was a short-term temporary (less than or equal to seven months) assignment. Do I still have to submit documentation?  

It depends. Temporary appointments of seven months or less are not included in the annual merit performance audit. If your appointment falls into that category, we will not audit it.   If your appointment started as short-term but became permanent, you will need to submit the documentation, and we will audit the appointment.  

My competition has been pulled for audit. What can I expect? 

Once we receive a copy of the competition file, we will assign it to an auditor. The auditor will review the file using a standardized audit tool. If they have questions about the hiring process, they will call or email you for more information. If the process was well documented, the auditor will be able [...]

Can you give me advice about how to conduct a competition or do things better? 

No. To preserve the role of independence, the Merit Commissioner does not provide any staffing advice; providing that type of advice is outside the Merit Commissioner’s mandate. It is the role of the BC Public Service Agency to:   Provide staffing guidance and advice on best practices  Set human resource policies  Set the Accountability Framework for [...]

Why are there so many audits being done in my ministry? 

If there are many audits being done in your ministry, it’s likely due to a combination of:  A higher-than-average number of appointments resulting in a greater opportunity for appointments from that organization to be selected. Each quarter, every appointment on our list has an equal chance of being selected as part of the sample for [...]

2022-03-10T06:13:32-08:00August 25th, 2021||0 Comments

Are the appointments selected for audit truly selected at random? 

Yes. On a quarterly basis, we get lists of all permanent and temporary appointments over seven months made in ministries and organizations. We combine these lists and apply a random number generator, which creates our sample. Every appointment on our list has an equal chance of being selected as part of the sample for audit. [...]

2022-03-10T06:13:07-08:00August 25th, 2021||0 Comments

What appointments are subject to audit? 

The Merit Commissioner can only audit positions where the Public Service Act applies.   On an annual basis, the Merit Commissioner conducts a merit performance audit that examines two types of appointments:  Permanent appointments  Temporary appointments over seven months Other types of appointments are subject to special audits by the Merit Commissioner. These include:   Direct appointments  [...]

2022-03-10T06:12:13-08:00August 25th, 2021||0 Comments

What are the results of an audit and what do they mean?

On whether the hiring process was properly applied, the possible findings are: Finding   What it means  Merit  The process was both properly designed and applied to result in an appointment based on merit.  Merit with exception  The process contained one or more errors in design or application: there was no identifiable negative impact on the [...]

2022-05-06T04:54:29-07:00August 25th, 2021||0 Comments
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