I am from outside the BC Public Service and was not successful in a competition. May I request a deputy minister internal inquiry or Merit Commissioner staffing review?

No, there are three steps involved in a staffing review process. An internal inquiry by the deputy minister and a staffing review by the Merit Commissioner are steps 2 and 3 of the staffing review process. These steps are only open to unsuccessful applicants who are already employees of the BC Public Service. If you [...]

I am from outside the BC Public Service and was not successful in a competition. What are my first steps to understand the decision?

Any applicant may request feedback from the hiring manager and/or panel chair about the process or their performance in the process. We highly encourage all hiring managers and panel chairs to respond to any unsuccessful applicant who requests feedback. But the Public Service Act only requires hiring managers to provide feedback to BC Public Service [...]

Who do you interview about my staffing review request?

Besides speaking with you, as part of conducting the review we must contact the responsible hiring manager and/or panel chair about the staffing review and its grounds. The hiring manager must have an opportunity to speak to the grounds and provide any evidence they may have.  Sometimes we need to contact other individuals who are [...]

Are there deadlines that have to be met?

Yes. Unsuccessful employee applicants must request feedback within five calendar days of receiving notification of the competition outcome. The hiring manager then needs to provide feedback as soon as practically possible. Subsequently, unsuccessful employee applicants must request an internal inquiry within five calendar days of receiving the feedback from the hiring manager. The deputy minister [...]

Are there other steps that need to take place first?

Yes. Two steps need to have been taken before contacting the Merit Commissioner’s Office. They are:  Request and receipt of feedback from hiring manager as soon as practically possible  Internal inquiry by deputy minister or organization head.  

Who can request a staffing review?

An unsuccessful employee applicant to a competition for a permanent or a temporary appointment over 7 months, where the position is covered by a bargaining unit (i.e., BCGEU, BCNU, PEA). The unsuccessful employee must also be a current BC Public Service employee who is working or on layoff at the time of requesting feedback.  

When do you draw your samples?

We draw each sample approximately 7-10 days after the sample period had ended. Where the BC Public Service Agency is involved in coordinating the collection of documentation, we send them a list of the relevant appointments. At this point they can also identify appointments that are out of scope.    For each sample, we send a [...]

2022-03-10T06:27:14-08:00March 10th, 2022||0 Comments

What happens when you think merit has not been applied in a hiring process?

After discussions with the hiring manager, we send a copy of the preliminary report to the deputy minister. The deputy minister or their staff, at that point, have the opportunity to provide more evidence about the hiring process that may impact the final result.:   We consider any addition information received   Amend the audit report where [...]

2022-05-06T03:16:04-07:00March 10th, 2022||0 Comments
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