How long does it take to get audit results?

We conduct our annual merit performance audit on a fiscal year basis (appointments made between April 1 and March 31). We divide the fiscal year audit into four sampling periods. This allows us to select and audit appointments closer to the time the competition was held, when the process is fresher in the hiring manager’s [...]

The audit of my competition received a finding of merit not applied. What does this mean? 

A final finding of merit not applied means that we identified:  At least one error in the design or application of the recruitment and selection process (e.g., past work performance, a factor of merit, was not considered as required)   The error had a negative impact on the competition outcome (e.g., The wrong person is appointed [...]

I don’t understand or agree with your finding. What can I do? 

Where the audit finding is merit not applied, we send a copy of the preliminary report to the deputy minister. The deputy minister or their staff, at that point, may be able to give more evidence about the hiring process that may impact the final result. Once we receive this information:   we consider it,   amend the report where appropriate, and   sent the final audit report to [...]

How can I get a copy of the audit results for the appointment where I was the responsible hiring manager? 

We cannot give you a copy of the audit results. By law, the Merit Commissioner provides the individual audit results to the respective deputy ministers. As part of our correspondence, we encourage them to share the respective results with the responsible hiring manager.     To learn about your organization’s approach to sharing audit results, we [...]

What information do you look at when auditing an appointment? 

We review the entire hiring process and the qualifications of the person appointed. Starting from the posting, all the way through to the final notification (offer and regret letters).   Specifically, we examine the overall approach as well as the five common stages of hiring which include:  Short-listing   Interviewing and testing   Past work performance   Years of [...]

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